Who are you guys. You guys? You want me and others to bow at your feet and call you "my lord and master so and so.....???????!!!!!! #######
Well, let me just say this: You are barkin' up the WRoNG TrEE!!!!!! I am really serious now. You are just too weird for my good ass. I am made to be a good guy ( and a funny one, wouldn't you agree, you morons). I am lovin' life these days. and you know why? it's because i don't have to observe grammer ruls anymore. i mean sometimes commma ok commma when necesary to git my gist across the oceans but otherwise git my drift good man and or woman or transwhateveryouareatthe moment?
speakin of transpeople i think that this scribe is diggin the f.u. movment of needin to use commas and shift keys cuz she grew up bfor computers wer mainstreem bfor spelchick was impleminted and she has had a drink mabe to2 or more at this point. full mo stop peeps
so, this lord of sorts was a major dooshbag. spellchek take a seat. this dosshbag was the thorn in our side who plural sometimes was lovin life bein who he/she/them came to be... that is... y'all .... a majoro doosh bagorow..... get it? got it? you need to keep it cuz this mofo is outta here. my time is limited. gotta spread the word that thy ole dooshbagus is a gone us.
gott it? keep it? til next timeth? Yashua outeth. read on my peeps read on