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  • Pleiadian Council of 5


Updated: Feb 24, 2021

There was once a young lad named Yashua (that's me) who made the "mistake" of believing in God. God told him that he was put on the Earth to carry out a very crucial mission. It actually was named "Earth Mission." I hope you enjoyed that brief story. Good night everybody! Well, it was a very short (but not sweet ) mission. You see, as our scribe and probably countless others can attest, this voice -- which can call himself anything he wants--had Yashua's ear, too. Yahweh was his name. This is in no way meant to dishonor the man we call Yahweh here, because HE is the REAL DEAL. I know him very well, indeed. WE are not ALLOWED to misuse our names. Names are names. FULL STOP!! If I tell you I'm Yashua, then I AM HE. Same goes for anyone on OUR TEAM here, PERIOD! I really mean this, folks, notice the ALL CAPS?

Mashuna and co. do not play by the same rule book, however. As a matter of fact HE and others like him don't have a rule book. They only know how to toy with people, like a cat toys with a mouse. There is a story that says when you don't know what to do, make up something. This was his only rule of thumb. When Mashuna didn't know the answer to a question, for example, he would never admit ignorance. He would just simply "make up" an answer. Ok, sounds like it could be anyone's husband or even school teacher. The danger in this M.O. (Modus Operandi) is the following: Lying about what happened during a very critical event is not okay. Imagine if 5,000 people were sailing on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, as they often do. Now imagine that this huge wave was coming up behind you to swallow you up. You have no place to hide that could possibly keep you safe. You and all the other passengers and crew, including the captain, are SCREWED! Now, first of all, how could there even BE a huge wave out in the middle of the ocean? Huge waves only break on shallow ground, right? Right??? And what does this have to do with making up shit, anyway??

Well, you guessed it. I couldn't happen and nothing here makes sense in this lame example. My scribe is so confused :-(. Okay, now that I have left you in the dust, I would like to say (this is still Yashua), "how's about a break." Take a break.... I mean it. You reading this right now. Close down your computer and take 5. I'll come to my senses after this brief message. TM # have a KitKat... Later dude

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