Are YOU a lonely loner, too? Do you often poop out at parties, often the first one to leave. Had your fill of "meet n' greets?" There could be a reason, and it might not be what you might think. WE are tired, people!! We are tired people. We often opt for solitude because we're just not that "into" politics and small talk... you know, the stuff you often talk about at parties. Other peoples' kids... again? Everyone who has kids has the cutest kids that do the cutest things that no one else's kids do, right? Does that make you an asocial asshole?
Maybe. Probably not. So what if you're just not that "into" life. Maybe you're like this scribe--jaded. We feel like we are continuously unfulfilled and bored of the mundaneness that life has to offer. Poopie diapers aside, people. Work is work, and play is play. We're all grown-ups here, right? Don't let the kids know that they have nothing really to look forward to when they're our age. It has to be a secret. You think kids don't know that? You must've figured out that your kids are often cleverer than the oldest adults. Ask grandpa and grandma where their $20 went that they kept hidden in the secret hiding place for hard times :-)
It really, in all honesty, doesn't get any better--not in any real sense. Life is life, no matter how young or old, and no matter how high up you get in the d's. Ask an archangel. My name is MICHAEL. No way. Yes way. I am just in the proverbial neighborhood and I wanted to give you my 2 cent piece words of wisdom here. I have been around the block a few times more than you loners on earth. I have been a loner since my earliest memories, and so have the other angels you might've heard of (or not). We all come together when it is called for, but at the end of the day, we go home alone :-(. It is truer than true, my friend. We folks have lives, not of the mundane kind like you losers, but of the more sophisticated kind. I , for one, like my martini shaken not stirred. You know what I mean. It is humor, people, at the end of the day that makes our hearts sing. You people make me want to throw up and throw in my towel, hit the hay, throw my computer out the window for chrissake! I want you to know that I, Michael, do solemnly swear, that one day you will get to meet moi , and you will say, "You know, Mike, I thought you would be taller." I get you people. I am tired too. Anyone who knows anything about the "real" world and what is the what of things knows.... it ain't all it's cracked up to be. Now go little children into your soft little beds and sleep tight because THIS IS ALL THERE IS.... GET IT! IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS. TELL THIS TO YOUR LITTLE ONES AS YOU'RE TUCKING THEM IN AT NIGHT! OK?? Good, not that was it. Take a bow, and get out of my life, you no-good losers. Mike, Michael, whatever! OUT! :-)
You see, loners are a spectrum disease you are at DIS-EASE with your life. You are trying, perhaps, to numb yourselves a bit in order to make the reality of mundane existance a little less mundane. Get it? Not such a hard thing to grasp. But here's the real kicker, loners: YOU ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO FEEL THIS WAY. That's why you're all alone and nobody loves you, you see. You/we are the real Lonely Hearts Club band, but we're all playing a different tune, probably from a different place entirely. We're all occupying different stages. But THIS band gets no applause wouldn't you know. This gig gets no fans and it gets no curtain call. Reason being: this is just a fact of LIFE. FULL STOP
It really, in all honesty, doesn't get any better--not in any real sense. Life is life, no matter how young or old, and no matter how high up you get in the d's. Ask an archangel. My name is MICHAEL. No way. Yes way. I am just in the proverbial neighborhood and I wanted to give you my 2 cent piece words of wisdom here. I have been around the block a few times more than you loners on earth. I have been a loner since my earliest memories, and so have the other angels you might've heard of (or not). We all come together when it is called for, but at the end of the day, we go home alone :-(. It is truer than true, my friend. We folks have lives, not of the mundane kind like you losers, but of the more sophisticated kind. I , for one, like my martini shaken not stirred. You know what I mean. It is humor, people, at the end of the day that makes our hearts sing. You people make me want to throw up and throw in my towel, hit the hay, throw my computer out the window for chrisssake! I want you to know that I, Michael, do solomnely swear, that one day you will get to meet moi , and you will say, "You know, Mike, I thought you would be taller." I get you people. I am tired too. Anyone who knows anything about the "real" world and what is the what of things knows.... it ain't all it's cracked up to be. Now go little children into your soft little beds and sleep tight because THIS IS ALL THERE IS.... GET IT! IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS. TELL THIS TO YOUR LITTLE ONES AS YOU'RE TUCKING THEM IN AT NIGHT! OK?? Good, not that was it. Take a bow, and get out of my life, you no-good losers. Mike, Michael, whatever! OUT! :-)