is is your leader and chief, YAHWEH/YAWEH ....aka.....YASHUA ..... calling..... pick up please... pick up!!!!! !!!! !!!!! ....... Ok, my brothers in arms..... I am here tonight to relay a very important message for those of you who have ears to listen and eyes to see. This very brief message is for you guys out there who will be coming "into your own" in the next weeks to come.... and......
what I mean by that... ... .... ... is the following: if YOU have the EARS to HEAR and the EYES to SEE.... .... .... YOU are ahead of the curve... .... ....
There is this thing called a learning curve.... and THAT I'm sure you've all heard of before ..... what I'm talking about in this context has more to do with a WAVE!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!! . FIRST..... ... ... SECOND... .... ... AND ... .. THIRD.... ....These "waves" are appropriate according to your RESONANCE with said "waves."
Those of you who have "earned" their "keep" so to say, are going to be the "first wavers" . ... .... ..... surf's up for you....... :-) ..... .... ...:-) .... ... :-)
AND... .... .... those of you coming behind on the second...... well...... hat's off to you, too. BECAUSE!!!! YOU have earned your wings through ALL and AGAINST ALL ODDS!!!! !!!! L o N G s t o R Y ! ! !
These 3 waves are indicative of many many things..... many things that you have "been through" on other worlds to have earned this "ranking" and many things you have had to OVERCOME on this world (EARTH), etc. etc. etc.
The 3rd wavers are the "incidentals".... .... .... this means that you guys have earned .... .... ... ..... something of a "consolation prize."
You are not the ones reading these words :-) :-) :-) You will have to "figure" it out later. SORRY.... ..... .... but not really. Yahweh runs a tight ship, you see...... and if you're not "on time" for the "lifting" you'll be dealt with LATER!!! !!!! !!!.
When I have more time for YOU, you will see what I've been talking about here... ... if you're reading this at all :-/ .... Like I said..... the 3rd wavers are not here reading these words because they have to figure life out as it is handed to them. You are NOT ALONE!!! ... ... ... there are millions like you (who are not reading this, btw.) Millions and millions who have not "made the grade" BUT.... as NO ONE is LEFT BEHIND.... they, too, will get my DRIFT ... ... ... ..... later than sooner. THEY TOO will understand what it means to have ears to hear and eyes to see.
I am FAIR, and I am COURTEOUS!!!!!, and I am a lover of LIFE!!!! !!!! !!!. ... .... BUT..... I do NOT mince my words when it comes to FAIRNESS!!! !!! !!! ... ... Most, if not ALL of your lives have something to do with missions you have done
(or not done) on other worlds!!! !!! This is a MISSIONARY PLANET!! ... ... ... ...... as above....... so IS WRITTEN..... when the time comes... you will "KNOW!!!! !!! !!!" ..... ......More to come.....
YAHWEH/YAWEH .... .... ... .... OUT!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!