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Jophiel is here

Pleiadian Council of 5

My main task has always been to keep "my" people safe. I cover a territory of the Earth you call Russia and Nepal, mostly. This is a grave area due to very unfriendly energies that surround it. And why do these energies hover over and within this particular area AND within its people? It's because this area has been cursed simply... cursed. We will talk more on these curses and what they portend and how they operate. Suffice it to say that a curse is a program, like a computer program which is set to repeat at determined intervals and never end! If anyone tries to intervene with one of the major AI programs, and they're all artificial intelligence in nature, someone somewhere will pay a dear price. Earthquakes and Tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes are their "go-to" MO (method of operation). We don't like to mince words when we speak. Our time is very precious and when we say this or that being the reason for things not going right, some of you might feel this is just being "silly." I get it... I really do! It does sound a bit childish or contrived if you're new to this business. Your fairytales and very grim fables tell volumes of these very truths. It's just that you may associate the above with something you would glean from a child's story that you doubt my words. Believe me. I am doing this catastrophe abatement as my reason for living. Please don't "insult" me by assuming that my livelihood is a "joke." It is more real than I can express. I am not a joker type like Yashua. I wish I could kid around with you in his playful manner to make light of things. What he is saying underneath the chuckles is absolute truth, he just has a lighter delivery style than myself. I will be back again to describe my average day, if you care to hear. Hopefully it won't give you nightmares at bed time. Until soon... GOD BLESS and read on!! JOPHIEL OUT

We talked earlier about "sequestration" in regards to our planetary species and in fact, the EARTH herself. Sequestration pure and simple means that our planet, due to some idiot no-gooders, which basically usurped our power and took things into their own hands. SCI-FI anyone? This master-slave domination scenario is one of many a sci-fi themes, and these dark forces are literally the reason I and my co-angels are here at all. What I mean by that is: the entire reason ARCHANGELS were created by Yahweh was BECAUSE HE needed a special task force to keep and eye on these guys and respectfully all of the garbage they throw at YOU as a planetary species. I speak not only of your planet, of course, but of ALL planets everywhere. And yes, it IS a LOT of territory to cover.

My main task has always been to keep "my" people safe. I cover a territory of the Earth you call Russia and Nepal, mostly. This is a grave area due to very unfriendly energies that surround it. And why do these energies hover over and within this particular area AND within its people? It's because this area has been cursed simply... cursed. We will talk more on these curses and what they portend and how they operate. Suffice it to say that a curse is a program, like a computer program which is set to repeat at determined intervals and never end! If anyone tries to intervene with one of the major AI programs, and they're all artificial intelligence in nature, someone somewhere will pay a dear price. Earthquakes and Tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes are their "go-to" MO (method of operation). We don't like to mince words when we speak. Our time is very precious and when we say this or that being the reason for things not going right, some of you might feel this is just being "silly." I get it... I really do! It does sound a bit childish or contrived if you're new to this business. Your fairytales and very grim fables tell volumes of these very truths. It's just that you may associate the above with something you would gleen from a child's story that you doubt my words. Believe me. I am doing this catastraphe abatement as my reason for living. Please don't "insult" me by assuming that my livelyhood is a "joke." It is more real than I can express. I am not a joker type like Yashua. I wish I could kid around with you in his playful manner to make light of things. What he is saying underneath the chuckles is absolute truth, he just has a lighter delivery style than myself. I will be back again to describe my average day, if you care to hear. Hopefully it won't give you nightmares at bed time. Until soon... GOD BLESS and read on!! JOPHIEL OUT


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