But I don't remember liking you...... BTW, not "you guys". ....i'm talkin' the other guys.....the ones scratching their noses....wink wink and all......scratching your nose means something in code language.....usually means you're lying, right? ever heard of that? that's something you might've learned in a book about "subliminal messages." these are involuntary gestures, like ...... ..... ..... scratching your nose...ahem..... I have written many books on this subject thank you very much for asking....a.....hem....a....hem....
Do you think I flew all the way over here to give you a dissertation on, ahems and the sort? Well.....DO YOU? WHY....DO YOU.....PEOPLE....NEVER.....EVER.....EVER...... ..... .... ...ANSWER ME....WHEN.... I....YASHUA.....ASK NICELY....YOU.....A QUESTION? .....
OK, so....the real reason I came all this way tonight was to talk to you about chewing gum in public. Do you realize how moronic you look to others? I mean, if you are actually trying to impress anybody, much less a lady prospect.... i mean...... you can leave your shoes at the door.....ok.....ok.....chew....chew....chew.....chew on this, pals....you look like a camel or some other bovine-like creature. you look rediculous guys.....Re....dick....U....lous! Ladies, you're next.....
that's all....all I got for now...my time's up ...and this chewin' gum has lost its flavour. i do not look kindly to y'all out there chompin' on the teet YO. it look.....dumb.... you ball cap wearin' redneck types... y'all just look dumb. nuf said, bozos. Yashua chewin up and beyond your sorry cud chewin' self...s.........outta here.....read on.....