Hi to anyone reading this. My name is Sandra. I am the 3d version of Lor and Her upper, Archangel Jophiel, the angel assigned to Ascension. She is the one who cleans up after everyone else has made a mess of things. She is also the propagator of "Feng Shui". This is the art of object placement as to allow the flow of natural energies to permeate an area, such as a house or a garden. Feng Shui is not a Japanese construct, but rather a science of energy which can help energies which are "stuck" to be released. In the end, ALL IS ENERGY. Energy is a spectrum. It has "positive" qualities and "negative" or stuck qualities. Stuck qualities can lead to illness or even death. I deal with many people and many constructs which carry and hold these negative energies. Feng Shui is just one construct that can aid the movement of this not so healthy energies out of a building, such as your home, office, or even neighborhood. It is no coincidence that some neighborhoods are prone to crime, break-ins, drug use, etc. It is no coincidence that some homes, themselves, are "bad" for you and your energy field. Some people in these homes endure great harm, such as continual sickness or other unexplainable anomalies. I work with these energies to release and restore homeostasis. Many of us do, actually. We literally come into your homes, for example, to clean out these anomalies so that you are kept from harm. I am sorry to have to say this, but "harm" and the avoidance of "harm" is our business. I/WE would much rather be doing other things that brings joy to our hearts and to yours. Instead, we must "get the job done." If we have time, we can enjoy a little bit of life's abundance. We are "human" too and we have our failings and flaws and opinions--Archangels, I mean. We, too, have our misgivings about our missions.... This will be addressed later in a post about what we, archangels do, who we are, what we think.... God bless and read on...
- Pleiadian Council of 5