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  • Pleiadian Council of 5

Good News and Better News

I am YAHWEH, get used to hearing that name. Get used to hearing the name Yashua-- that is the name someone gave to the one you (think) you knew as Jesus Christ. His life on your EARTH might actually disappoint you. His (half) sister's life and teachings might actually astound you. Sorry, come again? J had a sis? Don't remember reading THAT in the BIBLE. Get used to it. If you stick with me here I will teach you MANY, I mean MANY things you've never even dreamed of in your wildest imaginations! Keep an open mind and an open heart and, believe me, you will NOT be disappointed! READ ON, crew mates! YAHWEH signing out for now....

A long, long time ago, in a land far away.... there lived a man. I am THAT guy (applause please :-)). My name is YAHWEH. By the way, I have to interject here just for a moment...

The name YAHWEH, or any derivative of this is, in fact, a play on words. Do you get my drift?? Of course not. I often talk in elusive "riddles." It gets the creative juices flowing, so to say.

Yahweh or the highway, my people! There is no other here who will swath you and keep you warm. Not your presidents, not your parents, not No ONe! That is simply because I HAVE YOUR BACKS, my good people! I, Yahweh, that is indeed my name. Hell, no, I ain't no JEW. Jews don't even acknowledge my existence, so how does that compute??

I am not racist, my good people. I am a pragmatacist. I am a pharmacist, I am a DOCTOR of good deeds! I am not your personal saviour. I am just the DUDE that gets shit done. FULL STOP

I AM the only GAME in town. You simply cannot brush me off the bottom of your shoe like a piece of doggie poo poo :-). I am like fly on fly paper! I am your worst nightmare and your best dream :-). I am the best friend and the BEST PSYCHIATRIST you'll ever know. FULL STOP

I am talking to you now because you need to hear this: Every time I tell you to look up something on this BLOG, I will guide you to just where you need to be, just what you need to hear. I SEE YOU I know what you need. Trust runs deep, but nothing. Faith runs just as deep. 'Nuf said.

Who are You? I am literally the ONLY ONE who knows the answer to YOU. I do not lie and I don't mince my words. I am literally, in all ways shapes and forms, the only one in the universe of all universes who actually knows everything there is to know about you. Every breath you have ever taken, every burp you have ever burped ( no shit)-- that, too :-)

I am YAHWEH, get used to hearing that name. Get used to hearing the name Yashua-- that is the name someone gave to the one you (think) you knew as Jesus Christ. His life on your EARTH might actually dissapoint you. His (half) sister's life and teachings might actually astound you. Sorry, come again? J had a sis? Don't remember reading THAT in the BIBLE. Get used to it. If you stick with me here I will teach you MANY, I mean MANY things you've never even dreamed of in your wildest imaginations! Keep an open mind and an open heart and, believe me, you will NOT be disappointed! READ ON, crewmates! YAHWEH signing out for now....

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