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  • Pleiadian Council of 5

God help us all

OK now, this is your god in residence, Yahweh :-). I am calling myself that because there are many people who have their own version of me. There is the big ME and the little me (hello Hindus). There is the now-and-then-me (hello people drowning in the oceans). There is the I-want-something-now me, and so on... You get my drift. So, if you have any interest in discovering who the REAL ME IS, check this out....

There is actually an answer to this elusive question. It is not, in fact, a matter of rhetoric existentialism. It is a question of being foisted upon. This rat race, this "hamster wheel" as some call it, is a never-ending, circuitous scenario which all but the extremely privileged must ENDURE in order to merely survive. Not for young ears, of course.:-). You don't want to let the wee ones know what treasures await them once they've made it through the maze of public or even private education. It is simply a fact of life on Earth that we must all endure the same gamut of mazes, not unlike a lab rat--at the end of the day. It is sad, but TRUE. Try not getting on board that train and see how it works for you.). I am literally in ALL WAYS INCAPABLE OF LYING!! It is a blessing and a curse, believe me :-). I would make a terrible husband. Yes, dear, you look good in that dress, but it's the wrong color for you and it accentuates you ever-increasing hips :-)ou have not been "heard." I assure you I do not forget you, ever, nor do I not hear you, ever. Please get that, if there is nothing else you get out of these dissertations.

There is actually an answer to this elusive question. It is not, in fact, a matter of rhetoric existentialism. It is a question of being foisted upon. This rat race, this "hamster wheel" as some call it, is a never-ending, circuitous scenario which all but the extremely privileged must ENDURE in order to merely survive. Not for young ears, of course.:-). You don't want to let the wee ones know what treasures await them once they've made it through the maze of public or even private education. It is simply a fact of life on Earth that we must all endure the same gamut of mazes, not unlike a lab rat--at the end of the day. It is sad, but TRUE. Try not getting on board that train and see how it works for you.). I am literally in ALL WAYS INCAPABLE OF LYING!! It is a blessing and a curse, believe me :-). I would make a terrible husband. Yes, dear, you look good in that dress, but it's the wrong color for you and it accentuates you ever-increasing hips :-)

I am tired of playing someone else's game, you see. I really and truly am. I am like the herring that is forever swimming against the current. I must be that way because THAT is what life is demanding of me. It is what life is demanding of YOU, too. You get that, I know.

Why must We, as a species work from 9-5 at least 5 days a week so we can merely keep warm, sleep in a bed, and put food on the table, only so we can keep warm, sleep in a bed, put bread on the table, keep warm......

There is actually an answer to this elusive question. It is not, in fact, a matter of rhetoric existencialism. It is a question of being foisted upon. This rat race, this "hamster wheel" as some call it, is a never-ending, circuitous scenario which all but the extremely privileged must ENDURE in order to merely survive. Not for young ears, of course.:-). You don't want to let the wee ones know what treasures await them once they've made it through the maze of public or even private education. It is simply a fact of life on Earth that we must all endure the same gammut of mazes, not unlike a lab rat--at the end of the day. It is sad, but TRUE. Try not getting on board that train and see how it works for you.

This is not the world I wanted for my people, and YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. I am quite literally responsible for you. Literally. Our missionaries are out there behind the scenes working to serve you, your environment, your children, your catastrophes. You have no idea what shape you'd be in today if we weren't working around the clock to help you in these unseen ways. You literally have NO IDEA. And, quite frankly, I don't WANT you to know because knowing what awaits you around this corner and that corner would knock your socks off! The world is literally nothing that you would even recognize if you were to see it through our eyes. I am Yahweh, and I am Sandra, and I am Lor, and I am Jophiel. Signing out. Please read on....

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