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Pleiadian Council of 5

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Ok now, I am Lor. For those of you just tuning in, I am here to tell you who, in fact, I am. You WOULD have already heard of me (ad nauseum) if the one's that think they call the shots had represented me honestly. I am "EVE" and I am here for you now. You are here because I am here to tell you somthing you need to here. I am here talking to something in you that cries out to be talked to. NO, I am not your therapist or your best friend (not yet, at least). I am simply someone who you've been told that YOU ARE. I am many things to many people. The one taking notes here and writing this is not my personal secretary. She, in fact IS "me." I am the energy that is impulsing her(it's a "she") to write these words. Her laptop is acting strange and can never keep a charge while unplugged because WE are interfering with the magnetic pulse that drives such instruments to operate.

Simply put, it's weird. There is no computer genius, no engineer available who can explain this anomolie. It is technologically unexplainable. FULL STOP. When charged for up to 10 hours plus, the battery only registers "7%". This is not "possible," yet it is true.

And so, this message is written today for any of you with lots of "weird" energy about you that makes things not work. Just an hour or so ago this one tried to take a simple photograph with her android and it simply did not work. This device is brand new. It worked just fine yesterday ??? When her son took hold of the same device, he pushed the same button and it worked just fine for him??? How does that make logical sense?

Things that don't make "logical" sense don't make sense because of our holes. We have holes in our knowledge base about absolutely everything that has to do with ANYTHING! Technology, history, physicality, LOGIC?? What even IS LOGIC? Who made the rules saying this and that has to be either this way or that? Why do we even assume that the rules were written by someone that knows what they're talking about?

Life has many questions, many quirks, many anomolies. Why do you not question more? And if you did, who are you questioning and what makes you think, perhaps, that THAT person has the answers you are looking for? ALEXA move over. I am LOR, and I am first-born. I have been around the block a few more times than most. I have a vantage point that is a bit more expansive and encompassing than most. I am not being arrogant or presumptuous. I am talking first hand experience in life itself. I have been raped and murdered and imprisoned and called a zealout and more. I am strong, yet I am jaded. I am, in fact, TIRED. We, the Pleiadian Council are ALL, in fact , tired (jaded). It has been a long and treachorous journey through all the variations and permutations of "life." So, if YOU, dear reader, are feeling at all guilty because you feel you should be more "cheerful" and "optimistic" about your life because you are a good person and you love people..... remember, it's the ones in the "know" who "know" that life is not working the way it should. And that's why you feel unfulfilled. Don't feel guilty because you are a stay-at-home mom and aren't contributing to society as you feel you should be. And please don't feel bad about feeling that there is more out there in life than being there for your kids and cooking them meals and reading them bedtime stories while your man goes to work and brings home the real worth, money, so you can survive. FTS! You know it's true. Your man knows it's true. WE all know you have more worth staying at home than anyone who says they have more value because they earn a paycheck. Going to work each day is actually much easier than staying at home and doing a thousand more tasks and, by the way, it's more important in the grand scheme of things. Farming your young ones out every day is a price you will pay for later. Before you know it, you will have "missed" some of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Seeing your kids grow up. Hearing second hand from the daycare center what amazing things your toddler did that know what I mean.

Life has many questions, many quirks, many anomalies. Why do you not question more? And if you did, who are you questioning and what makes you think, perhaps, that THAT person has the answers you are looking for? ALEXA move over. I am LOR, and I am first-born. I have been around the block a few more times than most. I have a vantage point that is a bit more expansive and encompassing than most. I am not being arrogant or presumptuous. I am talking first hand experience in life itself. I have been raped and murdered and imprisoned and called a zealot and more. I am strong, yet I am jaded. I am, in fact, TIRED. We, the Pleiadian Council are ALL, in fact , tired (jaded). It has been a long and treacherous journey through all the variations and permutations of "life." So, if YOU, dear reader, are feeling at all guilty because you feel you should be more "cheerful" and "optimistic" about your life because you are a good person and you love people..... remember, it's the ones in the "know" who "know" that life is not working the way it should. And that's why you feel unfulfilled. Don't feel guilty because you are a stay-at-home mom and aren't contributing to society as you feel you should be. And please don't feel bad about feeling that there is more out there in life than being there for your kids and cooking them meals and reading them bedtime stories while your man goes to work and brings home the real worth, money, so you can survive. FTS! You know it's true. Your man knows it's true. WE all know you have more worth staying at home than anyone who says they have more value because they earn a paycheck. Going to work each day is actually much easier than staying at home and doing a thousand more tasks and, by the way, it's more important in the grand scheme of things. Farming your young ones out every day is a price you will pay for later. Before you know it, you will have "missed" some of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Seeing your kids grow up. Hearing second hand from the daycare center what amazing things your toddler did that know what I mean.

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